Crucial aspects of the practice of medicine fall into broad public policy arenas and are potentially affected by all levels of government – from school boards to the State Legislature. Elected officials often know little about the practice of medicine, so physicians have a duty and an opportunity to help our elected representatives make better legislative decisions by getting to know our elected officials and sharing pertinent information about medical issues that affect access to medical care, the quality of medical care, and the impact of physician shortages in the Central Valley. By developing a better rapport with elected officials, physicians will be in a better position to exchange information and help our elected representative make the best decisions when they tackle medical issues.
MedPAC is a voluntary political action committee providing a mechanism for local physicians to meet budding politicians early in their careers during campaigns for local and state offices. Medical issues transcend partisan considerations, and medicine’s interests are politically neutral.
Membership in MedPAC consists of physicians, their immediate family members and other interested individuals in Fresno and Madera counties.
The MedPAC Board of Directors has general supervision and control over the affairs of the PAC. Only a dues-paying MedPAC member is eligible to hold office as a voting member of the Board of Directors. MedPAC member levels are $49.00 or $99.00.
For more information on MedPAC membership contact Fresno Madera Medical Society at (559) 224-4224 or send a check to us directly.